

Marina Guzzo. Collaborators: Marília Guarita, Marília Fernandes, Eleonora Artysenk, Fernanda Camara, Maria Lisboa, Marcela Lopes, Marcela Silvério, Patrycia Nunes, Nalva Andrade and Flávia Pavani

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Vegetal becoming, other bodies rising in the vortex of space, assembly, and disassembly of being. To become something other than the human, beyond the known, to spread through the sprouting place.

Marina Guzzo is an Artist and Associate Professor at Unifesp at the Baixada Santista Campus, at the Instituto Saúde e Sociedade. She focuses her creations on the interface of bodies and landscapes facing the climate crisis. She works in partnerships with health, culture, and social assistance facilities, thinking of art as a political action that weaves a complex interspecific network of people, institutions, objects, plants, animals, fungi, and landscapes. Post-doctorate at the Department of Performing Arts at ECA-USP and Master and Doctor in Social Psychology at PUC-SP.

Coordination Marina Guzzo
Collaborators Marília Guarita, Marília Fernandes, Eleonora Artysenk, Fernanda Camara, Maria Lisboa, Marcela Lopes, Marcela Silvério, Patrycia Nunes, Nalva Andrade e Flávia Pavani.